vioft2nntf2t|tblJournal|Abstract_paper|0xf4ff33352c000000021d060001000300 Empowerment as a social process challenges the fundamental imbalances of power distribution and relations. The social empowerment scale employs indicators such as gender discrimination, female infanticide, dowry, marriage, poverty, caste and social justice to assess the level of empowerment of women. To identify the dimension of empowerments among the respondents. To examine the relation between the degree of consultation and profile variables, the Chi-Square test of the following formula was applied: The aspects of eradication of poverty through women empowerment have been measured with the help of the variables drawn from previous studies. Higher educated women forming caste less society, possibility of inter caste marriage for higher educated women, possibility for higher education women to participate in social activities and higher educated women need not be submissive to men and other women always are the last ranked factor that affects the opinion of the social empowerment. The researcher has extended certain suggestions for resolution of the problem in shape of altering women’s illiterate status to an educated-being. Area of the study is dominated by patriarchy, male dominancy and centuries old traditions that tend to intensify all the other constraints.
N Selvaraj1 Saraswathi Narayanan College, India1
Dharna, Marriage, Social Evils, Domestic Violence, Laws
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| Published By : ICTACT
Published In :
ICTACT Journal on Management Studies ( Volume: 8 , Issue: 1 , Pages: 1506-1512 )
Date of Publication :
Februray 2022
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