vioft2nntf2t|tblJournal|Abstract_paper|0xf4ff9b222c0000005f980a0001000200 From the basis of information theory concept, channel coding techniques must achieve the Shannon’s channel capacity. Polar codes are the recent concept of channel polarization phenomenon to achieve better channel codes capacity. It has recursive encoding and decoding structures. The Genetic algorithm based optimization technique is integrated from evolution and natural selection. The relay with MIMO is chosen to achieve high capacity coverage, diversity gain and high-speed transmission. In this paper, Genetic decoding is done to analyze the spectral efficiency and select the optimized path. This work proposed is chosen to improve capacity of cellular system, reduce latency through decode-compress and forward scheme and optimize the decoding method using Genetic algorithm. The validity and performance of the described method done by calculating SNR vs. BER values for relay channel and Cost vs. Iteration of Genetic algorithm and finally the SNR vs. Capacity of the proposed system model.
R Venkateswari1, N Madhusudhanan2,T Raja Rajesvari3 PSG College of Technology, India1, PSG College of Technology, India2, PSG College of Technology, India3
CRC Encoding, Decoding, Relay, Genetic Algorithm, Selection, Crossover, Mutation
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| Published By : ICTACT
Published In :
ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics ( Volume: 7 , Issue: 3 , Pages: 1205-1208 )
Date of Publication :
October 2021
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