vioft2nntf2t|tblJournal|Abstract_paper|0xf4ff5e662b000000aa8c040001000300 A virtual Grid-based dynamic routes adjustment scheme (virtual grid routing) for wireless sink-based wireless sensor networks is a recent introduction. Each mobile node in the network is capable of sensing, processing and communicating. In the present scenario, sensor networks are used in a variety of applications such as military, commercial, industrial, etc. which require constant monitoring and detection of specific event. The approach of efficient data delivery using communication of distance priority is used, avoiding the technique of previous schemes. Our method aims to reduce the routes reconstruction cost of sensor nodes while maintaining the most favorable routes to the mobile sink's recent location. It will improve the lifetime and reduce the cost consumption. This method highlights many routed schemes. A few such novel routing schemes are Virtual Grid based Dynamic Route Adjustment (VGDRA), Multiple Enhanced Specified-deployed Subsinks (MESS), Virtual Circle Combined Straight Routing (VCCSR), Hexagonal cell-based Data Dissemination (HexDD), Hierarchical Cluster-based Data Dissemination (HCDD), Backbone-based Virtual Infrastructure (BVI), Line-Based Data Dissemination (LBDD), Rail Road, Quadtree-based Data Dissemination (QDD), and Two-Tier Data Dissemination (TTDD). But, each scheme has its own advantages and disadvantages.
D Vikneshkumar1, D Kaleeswaran2, D Yuvaraj3 SriGuru Institute of Technology, India1, Rathinam Technical campus, India2, Cihan University - Duhok, Iraq3
VGDRA, MESS, VCCSR, HCDD, BVI, LBDD, QDD, TTDD, WDN, Grid Routing, Data Mining
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| Published By : ICTACT
Published In :
ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology ( Volume: 11 , Issue: 1 , Pages: 2138-2142 )
Date of Publication :
March 2020
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