vioft2nntf2t|tblJournal|Abstract_paper|0xf4ff20b42e000000ab4a100001000300 Radio frequency energy harvesting has become an interesting research area in the recent years. In this paper the layout for execution of multiband rectifier circuit has been presented. Here we have implemented the rectifier circuit at 1.9 GHz. -10 dBm, 0 dBm, 10 dBm input power are taken for the design and simulation of the rectifier circuit. Variation of input power with respect to DC voltage is shown at resonant frequency 1.83GHz, 4.37 GHz and 5.53 GHz frequency. Alterations of Efficiency (%) with respect to input power (dBm) is presented when load 10kOhm,1Kohm,5Kohm with resonant frequency 1.83GHz,4.37GHz and 5.53GHz Change of DC output voltage with respect to load is depicted when input power -10dBm and10dBm and frequency 1.83GHz,4.37GHz and 5.53GHz. Here we have shown the variation of Efficiency with respect to load when input power -10dBm, 0dBm and resonant frequency 1.83GHz, 4.37GHz and 5. 53GHz.It is explained the variation of output DC voltage with respect to frequency when input power -10dBm and 0dBm and load 1kOhm, 5Kohm and 10Kohm. In this paper we have also presented the variation of real and imaginary part of input impedance (Zin) with respect to Frequency (GHz) when input power=-10 dBm and 0dBm and load =10Kohm. Here the authors have shown the change of return loss S (1, 1) (dB) with respect to frequency when input power -10dBm and load 10KOhm.
Kousik Roy1,Naimul Hasan2,Pratik Dey3,Susanta Kumar Parui4 Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, India1,2,3,Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, India4
Rectifier, Return Loss, RF Energy Harvesting
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| Published By : ICTACT
Published In :
ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics ( Volume: 8 , Issue: 3 , Pages: 1388 - 1393 )
Date of Publication :
October 2022
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