vioft2nntf2t|tblJournal|Abstract_paper|0xf4ff775c1d0000005163040001000300 Noise estimation and suppression is very important for improving the quality of speech signal. Noises exist in almost all places. In reality, more than one noise degrades the speech signal. It is hard to find and supress various types of noise that affect the speech quality. This paper proposed a method for noise estimation of mixed non-stationary noisy speech signal. This method uses Spectral properties of the noisy speech signal to detect the frequency regions of noise signal. Highest frequency of speech signal is calculated and it is considered as the threshold value for separating noise signal and clean speech signal. Using Spectral subtraction, Standard deviation of noise spectrum is subtracted with noisy spectrum to acquire enhanced speech signal. Performance of the method is evaluated using SNR and Spectrogram. The main focus of this paper is to propose an independent method which estimates the noise of any type and nature.
A. Indumathi1, E. Chandra2 Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science, India1, Bharathiar University, India2
Noise Estimation, Spectral Subtraction, Standard Deviation, SNR, Spectrogram
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| Published By : ICTACT
Published In :
ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology ( Volume: 6 , Issue: 4 , Pages: 1218-1222 )
Date of Publication :
December 2015
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