vioft2nntf2t|tblJournal|Abstract_paper|0xf4ff95cf290000007749010001000700 The purpose of this article is the miniaturization of a microwave passband filter. The miniaturized filter is a capacitive gap filter coupled in series by their ends. Our miniaturization procedure is based on the combination of the bandpass filter with periodic metamaterial resonators of spiral shape with negative permeability (µ<0). We will maintain nine (SRRs) of the same dimensions vertically to the capacitive gaps of the primary filter to control the resonance frequency of the overall structure. The dielectric substrate chosen for the etching of the capacitive resonators of the primary filter and metamaterial resonators (SRRs) is the Rogers RO 4003™ which has the dielectric constant (er = 3.55) and the loss tangent (tand = 0.0027). Since there are no scientific or experimental results in the scientific literature for this type of complicated structure, we had to make simulations using the software CST Microwave Studio.
Mohammed Berka1, Mourad Hebali2, Abdelkader Baghdad Bey3, Menaouer Bennaoum4, Zoubir Mahdjoub5 University of Mascara, Algeria1,3,4, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique d'Oran Maurice Audin, Algeria2, University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria3
Band-Pass Filter, Capacitive Gaps, CST Microwave Studio, Metamaterials, Permeability, Permittivity, SRRs
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| Published By : ICTACT
Published In :
ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics ( Volume: 4 , Issue: 4 , Pages: 693-696 )
Date of Publication :
Januray 2019
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