This paper provides the solution for smart mobility to the people who are unfamiliar with the routes on campus. The proposed automated evehicle contains four wheels - one wheel at the front end and three wheels at the rear end to get a proper balance. It also contains a keyboard Switch with which the user keys their destination point as an input to the system. It is programmed to take the travelers automatically to the destination based on the input provided by the travelers. This is done by automating the main controls like accelerator, brakes and hand bar. Each control is handled by an individual motor. The Servomotor is used to control acceleration whereas the braking and steering of hand bar are controlled by 12V and 24V geared DC motor. Brushless DC motor (BLDC) of rating 48V is used as a main drive. It is responsible for the movement of vehicles. To accomplish zero chance of accident occurrence, ultrasonic sensors are employed. Three numbers of ultrasonic sensors are placed at the front of the vehicle. These sensors help us to detect the obstacle along its way. It gives out a signal when any obstacle is sensed. Global Positioning System (GPS) module helps up to identify the vehicle location on the Earth by coordinates in the form of latitude and longitude. Through this module, the coordinate that the vehicle has to travel is identified and fed into the Arduino microcontroller. At every instance, the present location of the vehicle is compared with the pre-loaded coordinates. Finally, the Arduino microcontroller works with the data from these components and generates the control signals to drive the vehicle in a programmed route. The developed simple Cybernetic E Vehicle is tested in real time.

K Suresh, S Karthikeyan, A Manikandan
Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, India

Cybernetic E Vehicle, Ultrasonic Sensor, Servo Motor, DC Motor
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Published By :
Published In :
ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics
( Volume: 5 , Issue: 2 , Pages: 758-766 )
Date of Publication :
July 2019
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