The attributes may vary according to the individual taste, experience, and like. The second one is that, the consumer is likely to attach different importance weights to the relevant attributes namely attributes importance and attributes salience. In the customer’s evaluation towards purchase of a car, three additional factors also intervene. The first is the attitude of others. If the wife of customer thinks that the proposed car is pretentious, his favourable attitude is reduced. The post purchase cognitive disagreement is common among purchases of, homes, automobiles, and major appliances. According to Festinger, “The magnitude of post decision disagreement is an increasing function of the general importance of the decision and of the relative attractiveness of the unchosen alternatives”. The Consumer form their expectations on the basis of messages, claims sent out by the seller, through blogging, internet, advertisements, media and other communication sources. If the seller makes exaggerated claims for the product, the consumer experiences disconfirmed expectations, which lead to dissatisfaction. The contrast theory says that the amount of dissatisfaction will be larger than the performance gap. But it may change due to the influence of various economic, cultural and environmental factors. It is vital to find out the determinants of the behaviour and intention of the customer in purchasing a small car. Also their expectations and delivery of services in the areas of tangibles, individualized attention, performance, assurance and empathy or courtesy. As these dimension are prime importance for any car manufacturing company, they generate interest in knowing the factors which give rise to customer satisfaction.
N Selvaraj1, P Murugesan2, V Alagupandi3 Saraswathi Narayanan College, India1, Madurai Kamaraj University College, India2, Institute of Cooperative Management-Madurai, India3
Attributes, Evaluation, Perception, Behaviour and Customer
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| Published By : ICTACT
Published In :
ICTACT Journal on Management Studies ( Volume: 5 , Issue: 3 , Pages: 1040 - 1046 )
Date of Publication :
August 2019
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