High directive stacked multilayer and edge coupled planar microstrip patch antenna made from a single-layer helical resonating metamaterial superstrate has been investigated. Metamaterials are artificial materials whose properties not found in nature. These materials have negative permittivity and permeability and negative index of refraction over a frequency band. In this paper, an innovative design of stacked rectangular microstrip patch antenna using four edge coupled parasitic patches and helical resonating metamaterial superstrate is explored. The Rogers RO3003 material of dielectric constant 3 has been used as the substrate of the antenna. Investigation is carried out related to bandwidth, gain and directivity enhancement by using edge coupled patches and metamaterial superstrate also the study of highest reduction in the size of helical resonator is carried out and highest reduction in size of helical resonator is achieved at a metallic fill ratio of 0.2. The proposed antenna exhibits wide percentage bandwidth of approximately 72.62%.