vioft2nntf2t|tblJournal|Abstract_paper|0xf4fffe542c000000f5ca0c0001000500 Generally, flash memory is a type of permanent memory for computers in which the contents can be reprocessed or erased electronically. Compared to programmable read-only memory that can erase electricity, operations on it can be performed on modules located in different locations. Flash memory is much less expensive than EEPROM, which is why it has become a dominant technology. Especially, in situations, this stable and long-term data retention is required. Its use is allowed in various cases like digital audio players, photo and video cameras, mobile phones and smartphones, and specialized Android applications on the memory card. Additionally, it is also used on USB flash drives, traditionally used to store and transfer information between computers. The proposed model provides enhancements to the storage capacity of various flash memory modules. In a saturation point, the proposed model achieved 93.03% of NOR Memory management, 89.31% of NAND Memory management, 94.25% of Ferroelectric RAM Memory management, and 94.53% of Magnetic RAM Memory management, 96.05% of Ovonic Unified Memory management and 96.16% of Salcogenide RAM Memory management.
Ajay Mathew Bhilai Institute of Technology, India
Flash Memory, Permanent Memory, Read-Only Memory, EEPROM, Data Retention, USB Flash Drives
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| Published By : ICTACT
Published In :
ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics ( Volume: 8 , Issue: 1 , Pages: 1295-1300 )
Date of Publication :
April 2022
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