Wireless Communication is a fast growing technology area where tremendous amount of research is ongoing. It is also an area where the use of technology in the market has seen wide and far-reaching impact. The India-UK Advanced Technology Centre initiative is a collaborative research project between various institutes and companies across UK and India, which envisages, apart from several research outcomes, putting in place of a support infrastructure for facilitating R&D of Next Generation networks, Systems and Services. As part of this project, an end-to-end trans-national advanced wireless testbed is being developed which will facilitate and support research and implementation of new ideas, concepts and technologies. The testbed will provide a framework which can be used to rapidly prototype and evaluate emerging concepts and technologies, and enables researchers to investigate/demonstrate the feasibility of new ideas in a realistic test environment. The testbed complements analytical and simulation based studies undertaken as part of the initial study when new ideas are proposed. This paper gives the details of the testbed and shows how a 4G technology like LTE has been implemented as one of the realisations of the test bed.

Rohit Budhiraja1, Bhaskar Ramamurthi2, Babu Narayanan3 and A. Oredope4
1,3Centre of Excellence in Wireless Technology (CEWiT), Chennai, India,2Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India,4The Centre for Communication Systems Research (CCSR), University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Testbed, Access-Network, Cooperative Schemes, Centralized Processing, Distributed Processing
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Published In :
ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology
( Volume: 2 , Issue: 2 , Pages: 323-328 )
Date of Publication :
June 2011
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