A Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) is an art of networking without network. In ad hoc networks, mobile nodes communicate with each other using multi-hop wireless links. Most of the previous research in ad hoc networks focuses on the development of dynamic routing protocols that can find routes between two communicating nodes. Although routing is an important issue in ad hoc networks, data access is very important. The existing Efficient Geographic Multicast Routing Protocol (EGMP) is based on the two-tier virtual zone-based structure. In EGMP, the tree is formed with the guidance of location information. EGMP consumes more energy and each time it sends signal to all the available nodes in the path to the destination to send the data packets and could not manage with the large group size and network size. The major drawbacks of the EGMP are empty zone problem, local monitoring, groups are formed based on zones but not on nodes for group management. The proposed Enhanced Efficient Geographic Multicast Routing Protocol (EEGMRP) for MANET is to provide the routing protocol for ad hoc networks. The proposed research work attempts to improve the stateless multicast protocol, which allows a better scalability of group size. EEGMRP uses a location-aware approach for more reliable membership management and packet transmissions, and supports scalability for both group size and network size. EEGMRP uses the zone formation method and introduction of sleep wake method for the nodes to improve the energy consumption. The main objective is to reduce the topology maintenance overhead and support more reliable multicasting and make use of the position information to for multicast routing. Making use of position information to design a virtual zone based scheme for efficient membership management allows a node to join or leave a group quickly. The energy efficiency of the zone leader is an important concern. Thus the proposed routing protocol uses the Sleep-Wake scheduling method to reduce the energy consumption during the data transmission. Multicasting and energy utilization is scalable and efficient in EEGMRP. The results of EEGMRP shows the better performance in high packet delivery ratio and low control overhead and multicast group joining delay under all cases studied, and is scalable to both the group size and network size. The network performance metrics such as energy consumption, collision, and throughput are evaluated and compared with the existing EGMP protocol to confirm the scalability and efficiency of the proposed protocol using Glomosim simulator.

V Balasubramaniyam1, M Manoranjani2
Sengunthar Arts and Science College, India1, SSM College of Arts and Science, India2

Geographic Routing, Wireless Networks, Mobile Adhoc Networks, Multicasting, Protocol
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Published In :
ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology
( Volume: 10 , Issue: 4 , Pages: 2084-2090 )
Date of Publication :
December 2019
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