vioft2nntf2t|tblJournal|Abstract_paper|0xf4ff1169060000003b0e000001000a00 Currently, medical image processing draws intense interests of scien- tists and physicians to aid in clinical diagnosis. The retinal Fundus image is widely used in the diagnosis and treatment of various eye diseases such as Diabetic Retinopathy, glaucoma etc. If these diseases are detected and treated early, many of the visual losses can be pre- vented. This paper presents the methods to detect main features of Fundus images such as optic disk, fovea, exudates and blood vessels. To determine the optic Disk and its centre we find the brightest part of the Fundus. The candidate region of fovea is defined an area circle. The detection of fovea is done by using its spatial relationship with optic disk. Exudates are found using their high grey level variation and their contours are determined by means of morphological recon- struction techniques. The blood vessels are highlighted using bottom hat transform and morphological dilation after edge detection. All the enhanced features are then combined in the Fundus image for the detection of abnormalities in eye.
S. Praveenkumar
Saveetha Engineering College,
Diabetic Retinopathy, Exudates, Image Processing, Optic Disk, Fovea, Exudates, Blood Vessels
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| Published By : ICTACT
Published In :
ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing ( Volume: 1 , Issue: 4 , Pages: 213-219 )
Date of Publication :
May 2011
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