Climate change attributed to emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from human activities is a major threat to our survival and well being. The world is now experiencing a growing number of adverse consequences since continued economic development and resource exploitation threatens the strength of the natural systems. The industrialization and fast growth of developing countries poses a fundamental question for legislators and researchers working on environmental sustainability, low carbon innovation and green growth. In the face of pressing environmental challenges, green growth as a new source of growth has been intensifying in recent years. Green growth is now imperative in light of the current climate change scenario. It is becoming clear that the importance of climate change problem is required to be addressed within the general framework of sustainability transition which is now widely recognized both by the public and the media. Accountability is one of the processes whereby a leader, company, or organization seeks to ensure integrity. Business houses across the world are realizing their stake in the society and engaging in various social and environmental activities. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has many facets including social and environmental growth. The benefits of adopting CSR can have significant advantages for all the stakeholders including the environment, particularly when undertaken voluntarily. Accordingly, the study explores the relevance of green growth issue to business with a special attention to the CSR.